Mingyan Kreter, filmmaker, artist. After finisched Bachelor of Graphic Design and Master of Fine Arts in China, she studied film under the supervision of Pepe Danquart and Wim Wenders at the HfBK (University of Fine Arts of Hamburg). Now as freelancer based in Hamburg, Germany.
As an independent filmmaker, she focus on the environment, reflect on the relationship between human and nature, and the collision between different cultures in her works. as Wenders film project, her short film The Day without Faith and the participating feature film Never Ending Movie were screened at the Metropolis Kino in Hamburg in 2013. She was commissioned by Hamburg Short Film Festival Committee to select feature films/short films for the Hamburg China Time film week in 2014. Film Independent Film 2020 Jangtse Delfin - 18 Min 2013 Angel and Devil - 3 Min, Animation The Day without Faith - 5 Min 2012 The Bridge - 3 Min, Super 8 2010 Earthquake - 10 Min, Documentary as Assistant Producer/Director 2014 Straw Dogs - 90 Min, by Zhao Dayong Never Ending Movie - 110 Min, by Wim Wenders 2013 Hausmannskost nach Hausfrauenart - 16 Min, by Marcus Janke And yet it Moves - 7 Min, by Ana Trkulja Experience Video 2019 Rapeseed Oil Ad 2016 Documentary for Chinese Language School 2015 Documentary for Lux Nova Duo MV for Classic Contrast MV for Lux Nova Duo Selection of Films 2014 Selection of Chinese Films for CHINA TIME Film Week |